ISR Physical Therapy offers a modern diagnostic-specific method of physical therapy which empowers the patient to control pain and regain maximum functional abilities independently. We have a high success rate with rehabilitation of patients with various problems of all types We also are highly effective in treating spinal problems including serious disc disorders. All patients are treated using a highly effective clinical approach which includes McKenzie concepts of mechanical evaluation of the spine, manual therapy and stabilization exercise principles. Rehabilitation of the injured patient also involves behavioral modification techniques and ergonomic education. The Institute’s proactive physical therapy program has been so effective that most patients require less than six weeks of therapy.
Post Surgical Spinal Stabilization And Functional Restoration
Based on the type of surgical procedure performed, consultation with the referring surgeon, and a careful evaluation, a comprehensive treatment plan is created. Assessment of the patient provides the basis by which rehabilitation can best address the post-surgical status of strength, flexibility, and mechanical characteristics of spinal function. All deficits are identified, reported to the referring physician and the plan of treatment is conducted progressively based on the stage of healing, degree of any complications, patient response and current functional capacity. Spinal stabilization exercises are conducted specifically on target muscle groups identified during the initial assessment. Strengthening is conducted along with stretching and joint mobilization in order to restore muscle balance of the shoulder girdle, spine and pelvic regions. Functional restoration involves training the patient to actively utilize spinal stabilization techniques while performing activities of daily living and/or specific work-simulated tasks. Each patient is taught basic ergonomic principles and how to prevent re-injury to the spine.
Work Conditioning

Work conditioning involves physical therapy procedures directed toward improving the individual's physical capacity to perform job-specific functions. Work conditioning is rehabilitation focused on job-simulated tasks based on the patient’s job description. Unlike work hardening, which is multi-disciplinary, costly, and often unnecessary, work conditioning is a cost-effective, streamlined method focused on correcting impairments for the sole purpose of rapid, safe return to work and avoidance of re-injury.
Comprehensive Back and Neck Examinations
Detailed mechanical evaluation of the spine, especially with complex conditions, requires an experienced and highly skilled clinician. The information derived from such an evaluation permits a very diagnostic-specific approach to rehabilitation. As a result, the patient recovers from injury/trauma quickly and with maximum efficiency. This type of examination combined with standardized functional testing also assists in the determination of the presence of significant symptom magnification or malingering.
Peripheral Neuropathy - Step Into Our Neuropathy Care Center
Don’t let the pain and numbness of peripheral neuropathy rob you of a normal life. As you may have experienced, neuropathy is often painful and can put limits on your life. Simply put, peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage resulting from poor blood flow to nerves in the feet, legs and hands. Peripheral neuropathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes, but may also be caused by circulatory problems, medications, chemotherapy, alcohol, AIDS and unknown causes. Our clinically proven program may reduce the discomfort of neuropathy and help our patients recapture the life they once enjoyed. We have seen improvements in our patients ability to walk, their balance and their ability to get a restful nights sleep. We have also noticed an improvement in sensation after a relatively short course of therapy.WorkSaver Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
The FCE is performed to determine the functional capabilities of the injured employee. It is a systematic test usually requiring 6-7 hours. The FCE is used to determine feasibility of return to work, occupational disability, and/or if additional rehabilitation is needed. This evaluation is also directed towards the determination of organic problems vs. non-organic illness behaviors such as malingering or symptom magnification. Illness behaviors can be detected by objective means using this systematic testing format. This comprehensive examination system is extremely valuable to the physician and employer when a proper course of action is being sought for the injured employee who just does not seem to get better despite all efforts of medical treatment and appropriate intervention.Post Hire Preplacement Screenings
Pre-placement screenings provided by ISR Physical Therapy are valid, job-specific evaluations of the abilities of the conditionally hired employee to perform the essential functions of the job safely and efficiently. Compliant with ADA guidelines, the ISR Physical Therapy provides multiple testing sites with a proven standardized protocol based on job descriptions provided by the employer. If the employer lacks the critical information related to physical demands of essential tasks, then the ISR Physical Therapy can conduct physical demands analyses to provide this information for inclusion in the existing job descriptions. This service can help reduce serious injuries by determining if an employee is capable of performing the job he/she was hired for in a safe and efficient manner. The screening can also help determine whether or not any type of accommodation may be needed to reduce risk of future injury.WorkSaver Fit For Duty Evaluations
A fit-for-duty evaluation involves a comprehensive examination of the musculoskeletal system, which includes a basic neurological assessment, directed toward determining the worker's ability to return to his/her job. Specific functional capabilities, e.g., lifting and other material handling techniques are tested based on job-specific needs. The results of this examination determine the employee's ability to return to work safely with or without accommodations.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
A detailed evaluation of the individual who is having balance and dizzyness problems is critical. Once screened by the treating physician a referral is made to ISR Physical Therapy for vestibular rehab. This includes detailed assessments using the Berg Balance Scale and Tinetti Gait and Balance tests as well as others. Hallpike-Dix tests are used to determine if Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is involved. If indicated the Epley or Semont Maneuver can be performed in the office for treatment of BPPV This only takes 10 minutes with excellent results. After careful evaluation a detailed, patient specific rehabilitation program is developed to reduce complications related to vertigo, dizzyness and decreased balance.