ISR Physical Therapy in Houma is an 8000 square foot facility located in the heart of Bayou Country, Houma, Louisiana. This facility is a fully functional physical therapy clinic as well as a work simulation and functional testing center. We are dedicated to helping people in Southern Louisiana prevent and recover from injuries.
ISR Physical Therapy in Elmwood is a 10,000 square foot facility located in the Greater New Orleans Area close to the Huey P. Long Bridge (Elmwood Business District). The facility has a fully equipped physical therapy clinic as well as a work simulation center in the warehouse. At this facility we are able to simulate job tasks such as shoveling, moving drums with dollies on ramps, climbing ladders, climbing stairs, lifting tug boat shackles, etc. This allows us to progress the individual from the acute stage of the injury into our work conditioning program to facilitate an early return to work.
ISR Physical Therapy of Houma East is an 1800 square foot facility located in the Plaza Caillou Shopping Center on the Eastside of Houma, Louisiana. The facility is a fully functional physical therapy clinic which assists patients suffering from a wide variety of orthopedic and neurological conditions regain independence, and improve overall quality of life. Placed in the heart of the industrial center of Houma, ISR Physical Therapy East also frequently assists injured workers and is equipped to provide work conditioning programs tailored to specific job descriptions, allowing for a safe and effective transition back to the workplace.
We are known all over south Louisiana for our excellent success rate, objective testing and high patient satisfaction. We currently maintain a very successful return to work rate as well as getting individuals back to their normal lifestyles.